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Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Original Essays and Shadowless Poetry by Alan T. Williams

All matter is immersed in it and it penetrates everywhere. No doors are closed to ether.
- Albert Einstein, The Evolution of Physics


Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6

Chapter 3

Section 6:  The Source of Matter/Mass and Gravity:
From Old to New Physics, Part 5

The scientific knowledge acquired by humankind accelerates exponentially. Hence it seems that the advancement of science is occasionally so convoluted the constraints of protocol and the scientific method are unable to keep pace.

Professor Carlo Rovelli, whose chosen field is quantum gravity, offers an engaging sailing ship analogy that describes the comprehensive multifaceted advancement of the various scientific disciplines:

Science, then, never progresses by starting over from scratch. It moves forward by partial steps. But the small steps may shake its foundations. The mainmast and even a rib can be replaced, but the ship itself is never discarded and rebuilt. We go on patching up the only ship that we have, the ship of our thought about the world — the only instrument with which we can chart a course through the infinity of reality. As centuries pass, the ship becomes unrecognizable. From Anaximander's wheels bearing the stars to Einstein's curved space-time, the keel passes through much water. But no one has ever started over from scratch by devising a wholly new conceptual structure, an entirely new vessel. Why? Because we cannot step outside of our own thought. We think in the terms of the conceptual structure that we happen to have. Thought changes from within, step by step, in the harsh and continuous confrontation with its object: reality. But the space of thinkable thoughts is infinite, and we have explored only an infinitesimal fraction so far. The world stands before us, waiting to be explored. 37

If Einstein correctly determined the essential effects of gravity with his 20th century theory of general relativity, or even if he only produced the heuristic geometric insight he intended, a nonmaterial 21st century version of Anaximander's unique boundless, unlimited apeiron (Greek: τό  άπειρον) – conceived in the 6th century BCE and now reorganized as the physically real, nonmaterial dark energy domain – provides the indispensable foundation and all-encompassing arena within which gravitation takes place.

But before proceeding, some housekeeping aboard Rovelli's sailing ship of science is required.

In the atomism of pre-Socratic nature philosopher Leucippus and his student Democritus, the postulated atomic particles are imperishable and indivisible. More than two thousand years later, J. J. Thomson's discovery of the electron proved that the atom is a long-lived, divisible material entity that contains a coherent substructure. The atomic nucleus was discovered 10 years later under Ernest Rutherford's direction and the atomic nucleus was correctly described as subatomic.

With the distinctive exception of the Hydrogen atom (1H) which is comprised of a single positively charged proton nucleus and a single negatively charged orbiting electron, the atomic nucleus is composed of an aggregation of nucleons, i.e., protons (p) and neutrons (n), that form a nuclear shell. The discovery of nucleons within the atomic nucleus prompted the correct designation or labeling that nucleons are subnuclear particles.

Curiously, labeling protocol, and perhaps traditional reductionist scientific insight, begins to break down at this point. Following the discovery of two distinctly different kinds of subnuclear nucleons, namely the proton (p) which carries a positive electric charge and the electrically neutral neutron (n) — and every subsequent subnuclear particle discovered thereafter — were inexplicably designated and labeled as subatomic particles.

Furthermore, two of the four known fundamental interactions underlying the 1970s Standard Model of particle physics are subnuclear non-contact forces that interact between subnuclear elementary particles. The subnuclear W and Z bosons are the province of the weak force and quantum chromodynamics (QCD) describe the strong interactions between quarks, and gluons.

Moreover, the misdirection of incorrect subatomic labeling in lieu of the proper subnuclear labeling was a major contributor contributor to the disappointing results of a fifty-year search for a "satisfactory description of superfluidity in nuclear matter" that began in the mid-20th century. 38 Indeed, the liquid drop model of the nucleus, for example, affirms that 20th century nuclear physics was treated as an extension of classical atomic physics rather than acknowledging that the atomic nucleus is a gateway to the unique new holistic physics that lie beyond and subsume the material domain.

Hence there presently exists no distinctive separation between the subatomic and subnuclear domains as science enters the 21st century. In other words, there is no clear distinction between Rovelli's sailing ship of science and the 2-time, 8-dimension ocean of the nonmechanical, nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED, apeiron) upon which it sails.

Toward a new physics:

Despite nearly one hundred years of intensive development, one explicit problem with the Big Bang hypothesis is that the pre-existing Big Bang gravitational singularity has no credible fundamental source, i.e., there is a conspicuous absence of an antecedent cosmogony. One essentially trivial solution suggests that the postulated singularity is created out of nothing (Latin:  creatio ex nihilo). Nonetheless, in science it is well known that even if the source of a specific phenomenon is presently unknown, nothing comes from nothing (Latin:  ex nihilo nihil fit) in either the material domain or the nonmaterial domain.

Thus physicists, astronomers, astrophysicists, and nonspecialists must seek the physical reality implied by the unexpected WMAP data in the unexplored territory of new nonmaterial/material physics.

The inescapable implication of the comprehensive WMAP data is that all branches of science are currently facing the throes of a radical paradigm shift. Another inescapable conclusion is that the Einsteinian de facto closed or isolated (mechanically conservative) material system represents something less than the totality of nonmaterial/material physical reality just-as-it-is.

As described in the previous essay, the process of intellectual aspiration Plato developed to explain the method and moral philosophy taught by his mentor, Socrates, was also intentionally applied to natural philosophy and fundamental physics as well by Plato himself. Aristotle, Plato's student, although frustrated by certain aspects of his master's teachings like the theory of Forms, inadvertently copied his master's invalid error.

Hence the new freedom provided by the removal and replacement of Aristotle's unwittingly compromised (falsified) fundamental logical premise enables a new investigation and description of nonmaterial physics as well as material physics by 21st century scientific methods.

Under Aristotle's influence Western philosophy, psychology, and religion have traditionally eschewed the development of a rigorous nonmaterial or transcendent physical science that meets the criteria of falsifiability. The novel 2-time, 8-dimension physics of TUPE (pronounced "toop") and TEHP (pronounced "teep") described in these essays is a first step in the direction of not only a rigorous new nonmaterial/material physical science of the material realm, but also a rigorous stand-alone physical science of the extradimensional nonmaterial transcendent realm.

At the present level of understanding as separate, unrelated disciplines neither the rigorous material physics of matter/mass nor the undeveloped nonmaterial physics of consciousness or spirit can be fully appreciated or understood. The rigorous scientific method is the same yet, historically, material physical reality is most readily comprehended by reductionism and nonmaterial physical reality is most readily comprehended by holism.

Thus the novel combined physics of 21st century nonmaterial/material physical science must ask and answer penetrating new questions. For example:

  • Q:  The nonmaterial/material transition zone (TZ) can be seen as being analogous to the indispensable earthbound marine littoral zone. Where is the TZ located within the all-encompassing, omnipresent nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED, apeiron) ?
  • A:  The nonmaterial/material transition zone (TZ) may be demarcated by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the vast unseen ocean of elementary and virtual particles*
  • Q:  What is the symmetry of the combined nonmaterial and material domains within the nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED, apeiron) ?
  • A:  The symmetries of the combined nonmaterial and material domains have yet to be determined. *

* New theoretical concepts and rigorous experimentation will provide the definitive answers to questions like the examples above.

It turns out that for human comprehension of physical reality just-as-it-is, a melding of the material domain and the nonmaterial primordial energy domain, a melding of reductionism and holism is required.

Trimming the sails:

Analogous to the wind power created by the motion of atmospheric gases that fill the properly trimmed sails of a seafaring sailing ship and move it over the navigable waters and ocean deeps of planet Earth, the fundamental power created by the motion of elementary plasmas in the NED (apeiron) fill the sails that propel Rovelli's sailing ship of science over the vastness of panoptic space in our 2-time, 8-dimension nonmaterial/material holonomic universe from which the ship of science can chart the unseen nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) deeps of boundless, unlimited transcendent realms.

But the sails of Rovelli's 21st century ship of science are tattered and torn by beating against the inclement weather of stale conformity and long exposure to the headwinds of ossified tradition. The ancient sails, historically trimmed to accommodate only the physics of matter/mass while excluding the physics of the nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) realm, are inefficient and need to be replaced.

Matter/mass is the end product of unique antecedent, transcendent initial conditions and nonmaterial cosmology rather than the proximate cause of our compound open nonmaterial/material holonomic universe. Hence the 2-time, 8-dimension physics of TUPE and TEHP postulate that there is a 180° dimensional phase shift between the extradimensional transcendent initial conditions and our derivative, reciprocally reconstructed 4-D (3+1) nonmaterial/material holonomic universe.

Furthermore, the 180° phase shift between the transcendent and the mundane realm masks or cloaks the origin and production of precursor matter/mass in the nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) transition zone (TZ) of the all-encompassing dark energy NED (apeiron) on the transcendent plane of existence. The transcendent dimensional phase shift cloaking of NPE dark matter production and the TZ negates the detection of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from precursor dark matter in the material domain by contemporary astronomical methods.

Non-contact nonmaterial phenomena:

Interestingly, the lesson learned from transcendent extradimensional initial conditions of precursor matter/mass is that nonmaterial phenomena, while unrecognized as such, are now and always have been an integral part of our physical reality just-as-it-is. Moreover, certain nonmaterial aspects of physical reality just-as-it-is are well known, yet undefined by the traditional physics of material science. The nonmaterial magnetic properties of the Lodestone like attracting small metallic objects and pointing toward magnetic North, for example, were known for literally thousands of years by a number of civilizations.

Classical physics addresses the problem of non-contact nonmaterial phenomena as action-at-a-distance. Quantum field theory addresses the problem of non-contact nonmaterial phenomena as quantum nonlocality. Isaac Newton's 17th century investigation of gravity resulted in the first scientific discovery of a non-contact nonmaterial force. The meticulous 19th century investigation of electricity and magnetism by Michael Faraday resulted in the discovery of electromagnetism, the second non-contact nonmaterial force or energy acknowledged by the scientific community.

While Newton famously offered no hypothesis in the Principia for the action-at-a-distance of gravity, he did offer a learned opinion to a friend:

It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of something else, which is not material, operate upon, and affect other matter without mutual contact; as it must do, if gravitation, in the sense of Epicurus, be essential and inherent in it. And this is the reason why I desired you would not ascribe innate gravity to me. That gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum, without the mediation of any thing else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity, that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this agent be material or immaterial, I have left to the consideration of my readers. 39

The mystery of gravity remained unsolved in the mid-19th century. Science was a ferment of new physics in several related fields involving a loosely defined concept called force that included heat, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, and gravitation. After reading an English translation of Hermann Helmholtz's 1847 book, Über die Erhaltung der Kraft (On the Conservation of Force), Michael Faraday, one of the premier international experimentalists of early 19th century science, offered his own 1857 article, On the Conservation of Force, in which he wrote:

    The principles of physical knowledge are now so far developed as to enable us not merely to define or describe the known, but to state reasonable expectations regarding the unknown; and I think the principle of conservation of force may greatly aid experimental philosophers in that duty to science, which consists in the enunciation of problems to be solved. It will lead us, in any case where the force remaining unchanged in form is altered in direction only, to look for the new disposition of the force; as in the cases of magnetism, static electricity, and perhaps gravity, and to ascertain that, as a whole, it remains unchanged in amount:—or, if the original force disappear, either altogether or in part, it will lead us to look for the new condition or form of force which should result, and to develope its equivalency to the force that has disappeared. Likewise, when force is developed, it will cause us to consider the previously existing equivalent to the force so appearing; and many such cases there are in chemical action. When force disappears, as in the electric or magnetic induction after more or less discharge, or that of gravity with an increasing distance, it will suggest a research as to whether the equivalent change is one within the apparently acting bodies, or one external (in part) to them. It will also raise up inquiry as to the nature of the internal or external state, both before the change and after. If supposed to be external, it will suggest the necessity of a physical process, by which the power is communicated from body to body; and in the case of external action, will lead to the inquiry, whether, in any case, there can be truly action at a distance, or whether the ether, or some other medium, is not necessarily present.
    We are not permitted as yet to see the nature of the source of physical power, but we are allowed to see much of the consistency existing amongst the various forms in which it is presented to us. (Faraday's emphasis.) 40

Energized by Helmholtz's writings and his visits to England, the mid-19 century scientific community coalesced around a narrow isolated system interpretation with broad predictive powers that preserved the conservation of mass and the conservation of mechanical energy rather than expanding the focus to search for the unknown common source of mechanical and non-contact nonmaterial energy suggested by Faraday.

Updating nonmaterial/material physics:

As this is written, the physics of 21st century conservation of mass, the conservation of mechanical energy and Big Bang cosmology individually and collectively depend upon the theoretically closed or isolated material system venerated by 19th century thermodynamics which, over time, could be seen as leading to universal heat death – if de facto closed or isolated material systems were physically real rather than theoretical fictions.

Indeed, matter/mass and the mechanical energy generated by the motion of matter/mass are continually created and destroyed in the compound open nonmaterial/material holonomic system suggested by the unexpected 21st century WMAP results. Only the boundless, unlimited nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) foundation of the extradimensional transcendent NED (apeiron) remains unscathed. Furthermore, determination of the creation and destruction of matter/mass can be validated on the sky by 21st century technology.

For example, early optical telescopic observation discovered galaxy Messier 87 (M87) in the year 1781. Despite occasional speculation, the nature of the monopolar relativistic jet produced by M87 which extends for more than 5,000 light-years remained a mystery until the Hubble space telescope recorded an image of galaxy 3C 321 in 2007, some 226 years after the discovery of M87.

A comparison of the galactic destruction in the 3C 321 galaxy and the mysterious observed effects that change over time in our nearby matter generating M87 relativistic jet reveals remarkable internal similarities. One reasonable inference suggests that the prolific long-distance creation and massive incidental destruction of ordinary matter by relativistic jets in the material domain is commonplace throughout the material universe.

Hence the theoretically closed or isolated thermodynamic system, while entirely adequate for the limited elementary physics of the 19th century, is necessarily insufficient for describing our 21st century compound open nonmaterial/material holonomic universe.

under construction (under construction)

Continued in Chapter 4, Section 1:  The Great Mystery


Reference Notes (Click on the Note number to return to the text) :

37  Rovelli, Carlo.  The First Scientist: Anaximander and His Legacy; Westholme Publishing, Yardley, PA, 2011, pp. 122-123.  ISBN 978-1-59416-131-5 (hardcover)

38  Cao, et al.  Screening Effects in Superfluid Nuclear and Neutron Matter within Brueckner Theory, p. 1.

39  Newton's 'Third Letter to Bentley', February 25th, 1692-3.

40  Faraday, Michael.  Experimental researches in chemistry and physics; London, 1859, pp. 456-457. Reprint from the collections of the University of California Libraries. MOD1004486153 (Paperback)


Back to Chapter 3, Section 5:  Beyond Matter/Mass and Einsteinian Heuristics:  From Old to New Physics, Part 4

Index:  Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Last Edit:  23 January 2012

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Copyright © 2011-2012 by Alan T. Williams. All rights reserved.