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Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Original Essays and Shadowless Poetry by Alan T. Williams


A revolution in science occurs if at first only the new presents itself.
From that moment until the old fits in again (it is a rule, not a law,
that this always happens in physics), we have a period of revolution.
- Abraham Pais 1


The Perpetual Puzzle of Nature

The fundamental Nature of the world and universe we live in is a highly complex puzzle that to one degree or another has fascinated all peoples, in all places, at all times. The exponential increase in complexity that accompanies the continual advancement of scientific knowledge, i.e., the exponential increase in the constructive representation of the unconditioned one and the conditionally relative many, leaves little doubt that the perpetual puzzle of Nature only grows larger in scope as one or another piece of the uncompleted puzzle is discovered and put into place.

Any novel new piece added to the perpetual puzzle of Nature necessarily increases the bounds of scientific knowledge beyond previous theoretical and experimental limitations. Thus the recent discovery of the universal principle of energy (TUPE) reveals the omnipresent, pervasive, nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) foundation of the macroscopic material domain humankind sees, hears, feels, tastes, and smells.

The novel new first principle of physics states:

Fundamental, irreducible primordial energy exists in the absence of matter,
but matter is entirely dependent upon nonmaterial primordial energy
and cannot exist in the absence of primordial energy.

The implications of the universal principle of energy (TUPE) are astonishingly broad in scope:

  • TUPE reveals that the fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED) is the underlying origin (source) within which particulate matter and our four-dimensional, compound open nonmaterial/material spacetime continuum is created, contained, and maintained.
  • The combined new physics of the universal principle of energy (TUPE) and The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP, pronounced "teep") model of physical reality just-as-it-is imply that our compound open nonmaterial/material holonomic universe emerges reciprocally within the fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED) revealed by TUPE.
  • The combined traditional concepts of symmetry, global matter/mass-mechanical energy equivalence, and the conservation laws of matter/mass applied to closed or isolated (mechanically conservative) material systems are not sufficient to describe complex open (mechanically nonconservative) nonmaterial/material systems.

More precisely, the universal principle of energy (TUPE) implies that each instance of matter/mass is produced by a discrete, conditionally relative phase transition (change of state) of nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) within the massless nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED).

The conditionally relative phase transition (change of state) of nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) is analogous to the liquid, solid, gas, and plasma phase changes that take place in the classical and quantum mechanical domains of physics.

In other words, TUPE points directly to the underlying identity – the irreducible sameness – of discrete conditionally relative states of matter/mass and massless nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE). Therefore the fundamental, irreducible nature of matter/mass can be definitively described as a conditionally relative state of nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) created within the NED.

Thus TUPE reveals that:

  1. Particulate matter/mass is created, contained, and maintained as a discrete conditionally relative phase change (change of state) of fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) within the omnipresent, pervasive, nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED).
  2. Electric charge is created, contained, and maintained as a discrete conditionally relative phase change (change of state) of fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) within the omnipresent, pervasive, nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED).
  3. The NED is the carrier of particulate matter/mass.
  4. Particulate matter/mass is the carrier of NPE electric charge.
  5. Each electron, positron, and quark is the conjoint coupling of discrete conditionally relative NPE matter/mass and a discrete conditionally relative NPE electric charge within the NED.
  6. NPE electric charge is the sine qua non, the indispensable link between the reciprocally emergent, conditionally relative material domain of matter/mass and the omnipresent fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED).
  7. In principle our energetic holonomic universe is a complex open (mechanically nonconservative) nonmaterial/material system wholly embedded within the fundamental, irreducible NED.
  8. Complex open nonmaterial/material systems are mechanically nonconservative systems in which matter/mass and electric charge are not only created, but also destroyed as an elementary, separate and distinct coupled pair.
  9. The contemporary equivalence of relativistic mass and the rest energy of classical physics is valid only in a theoretically closed or isolated (mechanically conservative) material system.
  10. The paradoxical contradictions inherent in the wave-particle duality concept of classical physics and traditional quantum mechanics are completely resolved in the omnipresent, pervasive NED by the identical nature (irreducible sameness) of matter/mass and fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE).
  11. So-called empty space is simply the conspicuous panoptic obverse of the massless omnipresent, pervasive NED.

The classical and quantum mechanics of contemporary physics are wholly subsumed by the omnipresent, pervasive, conditionally relative NPE physics of the fundamental, irreducible NED.

Moreover, the nonmechanical, nonmaterial (subquantum, prequantum) 2 primordial energy domain (NED) not only reveals the unexplored background of the perpetual puzzle of physical reality just-as-it-is, it also reveals the fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial foundation of the unconditioned one and the conditionally relative many.

It is now clear that classical physics, quantum mechanics, and the 20th century Standard Model of high-energy particle physics 3 have essentially provided a material lens, a detailed description of the material domain that occupies the visually apparent foreground of the complex conditionally relative puzzle of Nature while the fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) background remained hidden.

Q:  Why has the massless nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED) remained hidden and undiscovered until now?

A:  Human eyes cannot see nonmaterial energy that has a frequency above or below the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Consequently, with the exception of visible light, the electromagnetic spectrum and the irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) foundation of the perpetual puzzle of Nature are hidden from human visual perception.

The material model:

The historical Western scientific tradition that matter is a fundamental, irreducible material substance can be seen as the continuation of an inherently circular argument explicitly selected from the work of earlier Greek philosophers by Aristotle, who also developed the first system of practical logic to aid in systematizing his 4th century BCE results.

Some 250 years after the creative burst of scientific activity initiated by the pre-Socratic natural philosophers of the 6th and 5th century BCE, the search for the unknown first principle (archē ; Greek: άρχή) of the temporal world was radically transformed by the syllogistic reasoning of Aristotle as he applied his own version of the moral/social philosophy of Socrates developed by Socrates' esteemed student, Plato, to the nascent physical sciences.

Historically, Aristotle's matter argument was handed down from one philosopher, scientist, or scholar to another through the ensuing centuries for more than two millenia. Following the classical laws of mechanics formalized by Isaac Newton in the late 17th century, the matter argument succinctly asserts:

  1. The universe within which humankind lives and has their being is an eternal, unchanging closed or isolated, mechanically conservative material system comprised of pre-existing fundamental, irreducible particulate matter.
  2. Physical reality is not only coexistent and coextensive with material matter, it is also limited in scope to the inherent properties exhibited by discrete elementary particulate matter that possesses physical mass, occupies space, and can be weighed.

On the other hand, as a student of Plato for twenty years, Aristotle was less than an unbiased observer of his predecessors and there is one particular pre-Socratic natural philosopher whom Aristotle rarely mentions by name when citing or incorporating his work. Intentionally deprecated but far from ignored by Aristotle, Anaximander of Miletus was the successor of Thales as the leader of the Milesian school.

Anaximander lived 200 years before Aristotle. Nonetheless, in the 6th century BCE he anticipated the discovery of the omnipresent, pervasive, nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED) described above by developing an innovative theory of cosmogony based on the boundless, unlimited apeiron (Greek: τό  άπειρον) as the fundamental first principle or arche (άρχή) of physical reality just-as-it-is. 4

The distinctive feature of Anaximander's cosmology – which is derived from the physics of his demythologized cosmogony – is the presence of a novel physical space that encompasses the Earth and separates it from the ordered movement of the stars, Moon, and Sun. His unique cosmological space represents the physical existence of the unseen apeiron (τό  άπειρον), the fundamental arche (άρχή) or first principle of the cosmos.

Mention of the boundless, unlimited, infinite, or the apeiron by pre- and post-Socratic writers refers to the novel concept developed by Anaximander.

Please note that in acknowledgment of Anaximander's priority despite the vast differences between the physics of the material domain and the nonmaterial primordial energy domain, his boundless, unlimited material apeiron of the 6th century BCE and the omnipresent, pervasive, nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED) of 21st century physics, respectively, can be seen as virtual synonyms.

From energy to matter (quiet creation):

The combined new physics of TUPE and the Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP) not only reveals the fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) foundation of our nonmaterial/material universe. It also reveals the new NPE physics and holographic nature of autonomous transcendent, conditionally relative consciousness.

The new, transcendent NPE physics of conditionally relative consciousness unexpectedly implies that time (t = 0) and the initial conditions (t = t1) of our nonmaterial/material universe source hologram are created on an extradimensional transcendent level (scale) of physical reality just-as-it-is. The source hologram, in turn, produces our reciprocally emergent nonmaterial/material holonomic universe where time t = t2 = 1 / t1.

Furthermore the TEHP model of physical reality just-as-it-is implies that each all-inclusive, conditionally relative present moment of our derivative compound open (mechanically nonconservative) nonmaterial/material holonomic system is comprised of at least six extended dimensions and two synchronistic time dimensions (6 + 2 ; i.e., 6 + (t1 + t2)).

In contemporary terms the new physics of TUPE and TEHP can be seen as a Higgless, extradimensional, multiple time dimension theory.

Hence, in principle omnipresent, pervasive, unconditioned nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) is now revealed as the fundamental ground of being, the irreducible foundation of the conditionally relative many that emerges reciprocally within uncreated, unconditioned egoless oneness on every level of material and nonmaterial existence.

Therefore the new NPE physics of TUPE and TEHP imply that Aristotle's conclusion – which has nature (physis) preceding the emergence of consciousness (soul, psyche) – is a reversed order top-down organization rather than a bottom-up organization of physical reality just-as-it-is.

If TUPE is confirmed by experiment and holonomic matter/mass is determined to be the result of a phase transition (change of state) within transcendent, extradimensional nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE), then the deterministic clockwork universe of classical physics as well as 20th century probabilistic quantum physics will be subsumed by the novel 21st century NPE physics of TUPE and TEHP, thereby providing a robust new physics and a broad new scope of theory and practice in every field of science.

The fundamental irreducibility asserted by the Aristotelian matter argument above can be seen as explicitly falsified by the unexpected subnuclear results of many high-energy particle physics experiments performed during the late 20th and early 21st centuries, especially those performed in support of quantum chromodynamics. The matter argument is also fundamentally falsified as a consequence of the discovery of the universal principle of energy (TUPE) in the zeroth year of the 21st century (2000).

In contrast to the truncated scope of physics limited by the traditional material view, the increased scope of physics implied by TUPE and TEHP opens novel new pathways to the fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy domain ( NED/apeiron ) and a broader, more comprehensive nonmaterial/material physics.

20th century physics advances:

With the publication of his 1905 paper, Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?, which describes the first derivation of the mass-energy equation, m = E/ , 5 Einstein eventually led the 20th century scientific community to the understanding that the relativistic mass (m) of particulate matter that occupies space and can be weighed in a closed or isolated (mechanically conservative) material system is approximately equivalent to the combined potential and kinetic mechanical energy (E) of the specific particle or the closed material system under consideration divided by the speed of light squared ().

Transposed, the popular version of Einstein's relativistic equation is written as E = mc².

But not all physical systems can be viewed as closed or isolated (mechanically conservative) material systems.

Fifty years after Einstein's derivation of m = E/, the unexpected subatomic violation (apparent failure) of his longstanding mass-energy equivalence in theoretically closed system high-energy particle collider experiments during the late 1950s produced the mysterious revolutionary, so-called "particle zoo" effect that is properly explained only by the NPE physics of the universal principle of energy (TUPE).

Novel experimental results may still be seen in high-energy collider experiments as a consequence of the increased size of contemporary colliders like the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), for example, and the scattering resonance of the particles of interest.

The universal principle of energy (TUPE) implies that the exotic particles produced in collider experiments confirm that matter/mass is a discrete, organized aggregation (phase transition, change of state) of fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) that cannot exist in the absence of nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE), just as the frozen state of water (ice), for example, cannot exist in the absence of water.

Moreover, the novel collider results suggest that in principle the astonishingly high energy released in the on-shell energy bubble that produces the ostensibly boundless on-shell and off-shell subnuclear energy during certain high-energy particle collisions can be seen as a prime example of a complex open (mechanically nonconservative) nonmaterial/material system that is embedded in and cannot be physically separated or isolated from the omnipresent, pervasive NED/apeiron.

Interestingly, TUPE implies that each instance of matter/mass is a conditionally relative phase transition (change of state) formed by an NPE phase transition within the NED/apeiron. Thus the fundamental identity of matter/mass is irreducibly identical to and is in fact massless nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE). Thus the universal principle of energy (TUPE) points directly to the nonmaterial primordial energy domain ( NED/apeiron ) as the origin of our compound open (mechanically nonconservative) nonmaterial/material holonomic universe.

In contrast to classical and quantum mechanics, complex open nonmaterial/material systems like the large-scale structure of our nonmaterial/material holonomic cosmos, for example, are open mechanically nonconservative systems within which matter/mass and, therefore, mechanical energy are not only created, they are also subject to destruction – or, more precisely, materialized and dematerialized.

Clearly, if matter/mass is fundamentally a conditionally relative phase change of massless NPE within the omnipresent, pervasive NED/apeiron, then the released creative energy returns to the undifferentiated state of massless NPE within the NED/apeiron as its material character is either dissipated by natural means or destroyed by unexpected events, just as the melted state of ice is a return to the undifferentiated state of liquid water molecules in the material domain.

End note:

Summarizing, the discovery of the universal principle of energy (TUPE) in the zeroth year of the 21st century significantly changes human scientific understanding of the source and foundation of our nonmaterial/material universe from this time forward. Nonetheless, the totality of the perpetual puzzle of Nature – the totality of the unconditioned one, the conditionally relative many, and consciousness itself – remains obscure and difficult for the human mind to grasp.

This online series of essays is a work in progress that describes the personal understanding acquired by the author while trekking through a few small areas of 20th century science and physics. The reader may also enjoy some of the 126 shadowless poems listed in the site Index under the heading Beyond Zen:  The Footsteps of the Dragon.

Next:  Chapter 1, Section 1:  The Subquantum Energy Bridge


Reference Notes (Click on the Note number to return to the text):

1  Pais, Abraham. 'Subtle is the Lord...' The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein, Oxford University Press, 1982, pp. 29-30.  ISBN 0-19-520438-1 (UK paperback)

2  Subquantum, prequantum:  the nonmechanical, so-called virtual quantization of nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) within the nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED).

3  The Standard Model of elementary particles was developed from 1970-1974 by Gerard 't Hooft and Martinus J.G. Veltman, recipients of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics. Veltman and 't Hooft each authored a highly recommended book that describes the Standard Model and 20th century elementary particle physics:

  • 't Hooft, Gerard. "In search of the ultimate building blocks;" Cambridge University Press, 1997.  ISBN 0 521 57883 3 (paperback)
  • Veltman, Martinius J.G. "Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics;" World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd, Singapore, 2003.  ISBN 981-238-149-X (paperback)

4  Kahn, Charles H. "Anaximander and the Origins of Greek Cosmology;" Columbia University Press, 1960. Corrected printing 1985, reprinted 1994. ISBN-13: 978-0-87220-255-9; ISBN 10: 0-87220-255-0 (paperback)

5  Einstein, Albert. "Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem Energieinhalt abhängig?"; Annalen der Physik, 18 (1905):  639-641.
Anna Beck, translator. The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, vol. 2, The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900-1909; English Edition, Doc. 24, p. 174. Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, 1989.  ISBN 0-691-08549-8.
(cf. Einstein, Albert. John Stachel, editor. The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, vol. 2, The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900-1909; original papers written in German, p. 314. Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, 1989.  ISBN 0-691-08526-9)


Index:  Essays on Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Last Edit:  17 July 2011.

Comments and suggestions welcome.


Copyright © 2006-2011 by Alan T. Williams. All rights reserved.