Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm
Original Essays and Shadowless Poetry by Alan T. Williams
Selected Links
Hsin Hsin Ming
Newton, Einstein and Entropy Oversights
Mountain Man's Archive:
Publications of Peace and of Great Souls
Shields UP!! Steve Gibson's internet security page
The Universal Hologram
Practical Holography
Electromagnetic Zero Point Field
Consciousness Links
The Virtualist (Consciousness)
The Virtualist (Mathematics and Computer Science)
Peter A. Merel's TaoDeChing - Lao Tze
Shufflebrain: Prof. Paul Pietsch's Home Page Table of Contents
SHUFFLEBRAIN: The Quest of Hologramic Mind, 2nd edition
The Theory of Astro Biological Coenergetics
(concerning mind, consciousness and perception)
"Changing Self and Science"
John Beloff's Papers on the Mind/Body Problem
Journal of Consciousness Studies
JCS On-line: A digest of the key debates
PSYCHE: An interdisciplinary journal of research on
The Archives of Psyche-D
The Secret Teachings of the Ancients
Consciousness, Science, and the Nature of Explanation
The Nature of Our Nature
Michael Brown's Home Page
(Science, Consciousness, Reality Model, etc.):
Time and Consciousness
Joel Henkel's Knowledge Web
Computational Metaphysics, Quantum Phenomenology, etc.
Consciousness as an Active Force
The 2,100-year-old Tirukural (English translation)
The Simplicity of Existence
Hippias: Philosophy on the Internet
The Holography Links Page
Royal Holography Art Gallery
The Essence of Reality
Autopoiesis & Enaction
The Nature of (Phenomenological) Consciousness
C.G.Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology of Argentina
(available in Spanish and English)
Chinese Philosophy Sources
The Taoism Information Page
Eastern Religions & Philosophy Links
Talk Origins FAQs
The Third Circle
Matthew Keener's Links
Académie de la Rozielle on the Web
The Omega Point
Transhuman Web Alliance
Institute of Noetic Sciences
IONS Research
Relativity and FTL FAQ
Jack Sarfatti's Post-Quantum Physics
ShieldsUp! Free Online Internet Security Check
Steve Gibson's hard disk data recovery software
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Subject Catalogue
OneLook Dictionary Search
Last update: November 27, 2003
Selected Bibliography or Index