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Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Essays by Alan T. Williams

Part II:  Conditional Relativity

The journey to an answer is not always a straight line.
- Steve Gibson, Gibson Research Corporation


Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

Chapter 7

Section 3:  The Comprehensive Primordial Energy Hologram

The unexpected discovery of the universal principle of energy (TUPE) – the first principle of nonmaterial primordial energy – presents the fundamental scientific field of physics with the largest single advancement in scope since the discovery of thermodynamics in the mid-19th century.

TUPE also presents the fundamental scientific field of nonmaterial consciousness with an even larger advancement in scope.

Thus it seems that the fundamental physics of the omnipresent, pervasive, extremely high frequency energy and information of the irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED) and the fundamental physics of the comprehensive nonmaterial continuum (spectrum) of consciousness itself are key issues – indeed, the key issues – of 21st century science. 3

The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP) :

In accordance with the universal principle of energy (TUPE), the fundamental principles of The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP, pronounced "teep") describe a comprehensive, all-inclusive model of energetic holonomic, nonmaterial/material physical reality just-as-it-is.

The comprehensive nonmaterial/material new physics derived from the extradimensional unification of the universal principle of energy (TUPE) and The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP) model of physical reality just-as-it-is extends the scope of our knowledge and understanding beyond not only the material limits of traditional classical and quantum physics models of reality, but also beyond historical conceptions of the nonmaterial epiphenomenal human consciousness (M*) generated by the organic human brain, thereby facilitating the scientific investigation of the omnipresent, irreducible, nonmaterial primordial energy domain (NED) within which our complex open (nonconservative) nonmaterial/material universe is created, contained, and maintained.

A few insights into the transcendent, extradimensional Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP) :

  1. In principle uncreated, unconditioned nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) is the fundamental, irreducible ground of being within which all conditionally relative nonmaterial and material phenomena manifest.
  2. Uncreated, unconditioned nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) and uncreated, unconditioned nonmaterial pure consciousness are identical in nature.
  3. In principle uncreated, unconditioned pure consciousness is egoless and posesses no self-awareness.
  4. Egoless autonomous self-awareness (M^) emerges reciprocally within uncreated, unconditioned nonmaterial primordial energy.
    1. Egoless autonomous self-awareness (M^) emerges reciprocally by creating a 180° phase shift (a reciprocal inversion) between itself and unconditioned fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) that acts as an impenetrable barrier to conditionally relative phenomena.
  5. Some egoless autonomous self-aware entities develop an egoistic conditionally relative consciousness (persona), thus becoming an egoistic autonomous transcendent mind (M+).
  6. Fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE), egoless autonomous self-awareness (M^), and egoistic autonomous transcendent mind (M+) are identical in nature.
  7. In principle fundamental, irreducible, conditionally relative nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) is entirely objective (measurable).
  8. A 180° phase shift (a reciprocal inversion) between each level of conditionally relative reciprocal emergence acts as an impenetrable barrier that blocks conditionally relative phenomena on a lower level of holonomic activity from active participation in a higher level of existence.
    1. A 180° phase shift (a reciprocal inversion) is generated between each conditionally relative stored hologram (parent) and its reciprocally reconstructed holonomic progeny (child).
      • In an extradimensional, multilevel holonomic hierarchy each reciprocally reconstructed (inverted) holonomic object, scene, or venue is produced from a parent hologram that is generated (stored) on the preceding transcendent level of holonomic activity.
      • Each reciprocally emergent holonomic child venue, in turn, may become the transcendent parent (source) of other dependent, reciprocally emergent holonomic progeny.
  9. As the extradimensional, conditionally relative hierarchical depth (level, scale) of generated (stored) holograms increases, the compound complexity of the reciprocally reconstructed holonomic progeny (venues, loci) also increases.
  10. The combined new physics of the universal principle of energy (TUPE) and The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP) imply that at time t = 0 the source of the four-dimensional parent hologram that produces the initial conditions (t = t1) of our compound open (mechanically nonconservative), reciprocally reconstructed nonmaterial/material holonomic universe (t = t2 = 1 / t1) is a currently undetermined extradimensional transcendent level of physical reality just-as-it-is.

The holonomic universe:

  1. The universal principle of energy (TUPE) implies that matter/mass is a discrete, organized aggregation (phase transition, change of state) of fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) that cannot exist in the absence of nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE), just as the frozen state of water (ice), for example, cannot exist in the absence of water.
  2. The omnipresent, pervasive continuum of objective (measurable), extremely high frequency nonmaterial hyperenergy and hyperinformation generated by autonomous nonmaterial holonomic minds on various conditionally relative transcendent levels of experience is created prior to, and exists in the absence of matter/mass.
    1. The extremely high frequency continuum of nonmaterial hyperenergy and hyperinformation generated by autonomous nonmaterial holonomic minds lies beyond, and wholly subsumes the unrelated nonmaterial electromagnetic spectrum generated by the dynamic motion of net positive (q+) and negative (q-) electric charges in the material domain.
  3. According to The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP), our compound open (nonconservative) nonmaterial/material holonomic universe is produced by the conditionally relative oscillating (cyclical, periodic) activity of a continuously progressive sequential series of synergistic holonomic image events.
    1. In principle the nonmaterial and material phenomena produced in our compound open (nonconservative), reciprocally reconstructed holonomic universe interact with the transcendent parent hologram by means of various extremely high frequency interfaces embedded in the nonmaterial hyperenergy and hyperinformation continuum.
  4. The Energetic Holographic Paradigm (TEHP) model of physical reality just-as-it-is implies that each all-inclusive present moment in our compound open (nonconservative) nonmaterial/material holonomic system has transcendent extradimension components. In other words, each all-inclusive present moment has transcendent components plus material components. These provide each all-inclusive present moment with at least eight physically real dimensions (6 extended dimensions + 2 time dimensions).
    1. TEHP implies that each all-inclusive present moment in the nonmaterial, conditionally relative extradimensional parent (stored) hologram that acts as the source of our nonmaterial/material holonomic universe contains at least three transcendent extended dimensions and one transcendent time dimension (3 + t1).
    2. TEHP implies that each all-inclusive present moment within our reciprocally reconstructed nonmaterial/material holonomic universe contains at least three extended dimensions and one time dimension (3 + t2 ; where t2 = 1 / t1).
    3. Therefore, TEHP implies that each conditionally relative, all-inclusive present moment in our compound open (nonconservative), nonmaterial/material holonomic system is comprised of at least six extended dimensions and two synchronistic time dimensions (6 + 2 , i.e., 6 + (t1 + t2)).

Summarizing the TEHP model of cosmogony, the four-dimensional (3 + t1) source hologram of our complex open (mechanically nonconservative), reciprocally reconstructed, four-dimensional (3 + t2 , where t2 = 1 / t1) nonmaterial/material holonomic universe is created on a transcendent (incorporeal), extradimensional nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) plane of physical reality just-as-it-is.

Moreover, the existence of the transcendent (incorporeal) extradimensional, nonmaterial primordial energy (NPE) parent hologram reveals an unexpected transcendent level of conditionally relative activity produced by autonomous nonmaterial holonomic minds.

In contemporary terms the new physics of TUPE and TEHP can be seen as a Higgless, extradimensional, multiple time dimension theory.

High frequency oscillating (cyclical, periodic) sequential image events:

Particulate matter in the material domain possesses mass, occupies space, and can be weighed. One example is the electron, the subatomic carrier of negative (q-) electric charge. Many antiparticles of particulate matter have the same mass and occupy an equal volume of space, but have the opposite electric charge. Thus the positron, the antiparticle of the electron, has the same mass, occupies an equal volume of space, and has a positive (q+) electric charge.

The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) CDF collaboration team announced in 2006 that they confirmed the discovery of astonishingly high frequency phase changes – 3 trillion oscillations per second – between the matter and antimatter phase changes of the Bs meson.

If strange quark B mesons can be made to experimentally switch polarity in the laboratory between their matter and antimatter phases 3 trillion times a second for some period of time before decaying, then an essential step forward has been taken in understanding the sequential extremely high frequency nonmaterial holonomic image events of the cosmogonic TEHP holographic model of physical reality just-as-it-is.

Autonomous holonomic mind:

  1. TEHP implies that egoless autonomous nonmaterial mind (M^) not only emerges reciprocally within uncreated, unconditioned, irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy, but that it can also become an egoistic autonomous transcendent mind (M+).
  2. Each functioning organic human brain generates an nonmaterial holonomic human mind (M*) that hosts an egoistic autonomous transcendent mind (M+).
  3. Fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy, egoless autonomous self-awareness (M^), egoistic autonomous transcendent mind (M+), and nonmaterial holonomic human mind (M*) are identical in nature.
  4. Personal experience is entirely subjective on the transcendent as well as the material plane of existence.
  5. The weak objective (measurable) energies of an egoless or egoistic autonomous nonmaterial mind contributes to the conditionally relative continuum of phenomenal consciousness in only the holonomic venues within which it participates.
  6. The historic lack of experimental evidence demonstrating the physically real energy of consciousness implies not only that the energy of consciousness may be orders of magnitude weaker than gravity, but also that the signal-to-noise ratio of the objective energy events of consciousness is extremely low.

Intangible nonmaterial human consciousness (M*) shares experiential information with the transcendent, egoistic autonomous nonmaterial mind (M+) it hosts through interactive nonmaterial energy interfaces that link the nonmaterial and material domains. Indeed, discrete autonomous, nonmaterial holonomic minds apparently exist on many, if not all levels of conditionally relative physical reality just-as-it-is.

On the TEHP model of physical reality, each conditionally relative original (stored, parent) hologram and each oscillating (cyclical, periodic) reconstructed material or nonmaterial holonomic image event is ultimately contained within a single all-inclusive, conditionally relative hologram that is wholly encompassed by and emerges reciprocally within uncreated, unconditioned, irreducible nonmaterial primordial energy.

In principle uncreated, unconditioned primordial energy is the fundamental, irreducible nonmaterial ground of being within which all conditionally relative nonmaterial and material phenomena manifest. 4


Reference Notes (Click on the Note number to return to the text):

3  Paraphrased from Chapter 1, Section 3.

4  This quoted section is from Chapter 1, Section 2.


Back to Chapter 7, Section 2:  Young's double-slit experiment

Index:  Consciousness, Physics, and the Holographic Paradigm

Last Edit:  July 29, 2010.

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Copyright © 2004-2010 by Alan T. Williams. All rights reserved.